2021年7月20日 • 新闻稿

DTCC’S NSCC Enhances ETF Solution with Automated Collateral Management Process as Firms Navigate Volatility

Enhancements include new fixed-income ETF capabilities along with a new no-touch process that provides the industry with increased operational efficiency and balance sheet relief

纽约/伦敦/香港/新加坡/悉尼,2021年7月20日 -存托信托 & 结算公司(DTCC), the premier market infrastructure for the global financial services industry, 今天宣布旗下子公司, 国家证券结算公司, has launched an automated solution that streamlines and simplifies the Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) collateral management process and adds new fixed income ETF capabilities, a critical step to freeing up capital and increasing operational efficiency during market uncertainty and volatility. Today, NSCC processes an average of 260,000 ETF create/redeem transactions every day.


The new NSCC solution fully automates the exchange of ETF collateral, reducing risks in the ETF fund process from trade date to settlement date. 通过这个增强, 澳门赌场将处理创建/赎回指令, 生成付款订单, and ensure collateral is exchanged between authorized participants and servicing agents – all within a no-touch process. By closely integrating the collateral process within the existing NSCC settlement process, NSCC can free up capital for its members by reducing the amount of collateral required on components that are eligible for NSCC’s netting process.

“DTCC worked closely with our clients to introduce an innovative solution that automates the exchange of ETF collateral, 以前的手工过程是在澳门赌场外完成的,米歇尔·希勒里说, General Manager of Equity Clearing and DTC 结算 Service at DTCC. “随着市场的持续波动, this automated solution provides the industry much-welcome balance sheet relief and a faster and simplified workflow to support ETF orders.”


另外, NSCC has further expanded the ETF service to support the clearing of certain fixed income ETFs, 包括公司债券和市政债券. Orders for corporate and municipal bond ETFs can now be processed through NSCC and included in the same trade guaranty provided to securities cleared and settled at NSCC – the assurance that the trade will be completed, even if a counterparty to the transaction defaults on its obligation. Firms that choose to process eligible fixed income ETFs via NSCC also benefit from Continuous Net 结算 (CNS), an automatic process at NSCC that offsets trades down to one position per client, by reducing the value of payments that need to be exchanged and minimizing security movements and costs.

“State Street is excited to offer the enhanced clearing and settlement service for fixed income to its ETF clients,Frank Koudelka说, 道富银行全球ETFvnsr威尼斯城官网登入专家. “Offering CNS for fixed income ETFs aligns with the continuing modernization that bond market ETFs provide. 这提高了效率, balance sheet relief and ultimately tighter bid-ask spreads for investors.”

The new collateral management solution and the additional clearing capabilities are part of a series of ETF enhancements to provide industry-wide benefits, 包括增加透明度, 节约成本和自动化工作流程. DTCC anticipates it will complete the final planned enhancement of its ETF service, which will support clearing related to other types of fixed income ETFs including mortgage-backed securities and government securities such as Treasuries, 到2022年底.


NSCC's ETF process automates the creation and redemption of ETFs when the underlying securities are eligible to be cleared through NSCC. NSCC报告, clears and settles ETFs and their underlying securities through its creation/redemption process.

This announcement is one part of a series of enhancements to NSCC’s ETF capabilities:

  • 2020年9月:DTCC announced enhancements to the consumption and distribution of the ETF Portfolio Composition File (PCF) process in support of regulatory changes calling for increased transparency into ETFs under SEC Rule 6c-11.
  • July 2021: DTCC announces new automated collateral management solution and the capability to clear certain fixed income ETFs, 包括公司债券和市政债券.
  • By Q4 2022: DTCC anticipates that it will complete the final planned enhancement of its ETF service, 支持与其他固定收益etf相关的结算, including mortgage-backed securities and government securities such as Treasuries.

About DTCC

拥有超过45年的经验, DTCC is the premier post-trade market infrastructure for the global financial services industry. 来自全球21个地点, DTCC, 通过其子公司, automates, centralizes and standardizes the processing of financial transactions, 减轻风险, increasing transparency and driving efficiency for thousands of broker/dealers, 托管银行和资产管理公司. 行业所有和管理, 该公司简化了清算的复杂性, settlement, 资产维修, 数据管理, 跨资产类别的数据报告和信息服务, bringing increased security and soundness to financial markets. In 2020, DTCC’s subsidiaries processed securities transactions valued at more than U.S. $2.3000万亿年. Its depository provides custody and 资产维修 for securities issues from 170 countries and territories valued at U.S. $73.5 trillion. DTCC的全球贸易存储库服务, 透过本地注册的, licensed, 或者批准的交易存储库, 每年处理150亿条消息. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站www.dtcc.Com或与我们联系 LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.



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